Welcome to the Genomic Imprinting Website

About Geneimprint

Geneimprint (accessed by either http://www.geneimprint.com/ or http://www.geneimprint.org/) is a portal into the burgeoning fields of epigenetics and genomic imprinting, collecting relevant articles and reviews, press reports, video and audio lectures, and genetic information. It began in 1995 as the M6P/IGF2R Information Core, disseminating information about the first imprinted gene identified to function as a tumor suppressor.

Here is some of the critical acclaim Geneimprint has received since its relaunch in 1997:

BioMed Central
"This site is an information mine for imprinting-related researchers."

HMS Beagle (BioMedNet magazine)
"...An excellent gateway to information about imprinted genes..."

Medaille d'Or Award Committee
"This highly technical yet very attractive site provides information about imprinting and imprinted genes as well as links to other resources, a discussion area and database."

Geneimprint is indexed by Thomson Scientific Current Web Contents.

Contact Geneimprint

For general questions about the website or its content, contact Randy L. Jirtle at jirtle@geneimprint.com.